Love and hate between mothers and daughters
Electra vs Oedipus: The Drama of the Mother-Daughter Relationship
作者:Hendrika C. Freud
The character of Electra dates back to ancient Greek mythology. Various playwrights, such as Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, devoted tragedies to her, and, for the latter in particular, mother and daughter are at the heart of the play. Everything that could possibly go wrong between the two of them is described in these works.
It is not without reason that, through the centuries, even after the classical era, Electra has continued to be an inspiration for many authors. The legendary Electra was far more preoccupied with her mother, whom she hated, than with the father she adored. Agamemnon, her father, had left home ten years before the setting of the play, when he departed for Troy as military commander to fight for the liberation of the beautiful Helen who had been abducted – thereby triggering or actually causing the Trojan War. In the meantime, Electra’s mother Clytemnestra had taken a new lover. Electra feels neglected and rejected by her. She is jealous of her mother but also of her mother’s lover. Excluded from all intimacy, she wanders around the palace, moaning and cursing.
几个世纪以来,即便是古典时代之后,爱列屈拉一直成为许多作者的灵感,这不是没有原因的。传说中的爱列屈拉对他的母亲吹毛求疵,恨她的母亲胜于她所崇拜的父亲。在这部悲剧 开始之前,她的父亲阿伽门农,已于十年前离开了家,当时,他作为特洛伊之战的指挥官,被派遣去解救遭绑架的美丽的海伦——因此而引发或导致了特洛伊战争。在此期间,爱列屈拉的母亲伊莉克特拉已经有了新欢 。爱列屈拉感到被母亲忽视和拒绝。她妒忌母亲,也妒忌母亲的情人。她被排除在所有亲密关系之外,游荡在宫殿之外,悲鸣着,咒骂着。
Electra dislikes her role as a woman. She rebuffs all thoughts of sexuality. She has no desire to marry, and, if that does have to happen, she certainly wants no children. Her histrionic personality inspires loathing from every corner. Electra has become the prototype of a woman with female problems. She is a domineering victim who manages to conceal her insecurity and yearning for motherly love beneath a great deal of noise. She disparages her more feminine sister and uses her brother Orestes as a tool to avenge herself on her mother. Taking revenge on this detested mother is her only goal in life. Her youth, her beauty – she sacrifices them all for this one purpose. After many bitter and sorrowful years, filled with pain, she succeeds in her scheme: her mother is murdered as she pleads for mercy.
爱列屈拉不喜欢她的身份。她拒绝所有性欲的想法,也不渴求,如果真的结婚也不会要。每一处都散发着她那戏剧化的厌恶。爱列屈拉 成为了有着女性问题女人的原型。她是一个专横的殉道者,在大量的喧闹底下,她设法掩盖她的不以及对母爱的渴望。她诋毁更女子气的妹妹,并 利用她的哥哥俄瑞斯忒斯,把他当成工具来报复她的母亲。向这个不入眼的妈妈复仇是她一生的唯一目标。她牺牲了自己的青春美貌只为这一个目的。经过多年 怨恨和悲伤的岁月,充斥着伤痛,她的计划成功了,她的母亲因为恳求怜悯而被杀害。
This is a brief outline of the image we see when we look at Electra from the outside. But how does Electra herself experience her dilemmas, what is her psychic reality, what are her unconscious conflicts?
Briefly told and magnified as only possible in a work of art, the mythical Electra figure shows many of the unconscious preoccupations with which women with problems may be struggling. For instance, the fear of being swallowed up by the powerful mother figure is in conflict with a desperate longing for her love and affection. But masochistic complaints, depression, and sexual inhibitions are frequently manifested as well. All of them are problems that relate back to the very first love object, the mother – just as with Electra.
Culture has changed and is changeable, but certain situations are set in stone. Girls begin their life in a homosexual love relationship – in the sense of with a person of the same sex – with a woman: their mother. Not until later is the heterosexual love for their father added.
文化已经改变,也是常变的,但在某种情形下是不变的。女孩在同性爱的关系下开始成长——与真正意义上的同性女人:她们的妈妈。直到后来,作为她们父亲的异性 爱加入了。
Paradoxical as that may sound, girls need their mother's cooperation in detaching themselves from her. Sometimes that opportunity for independence is lacking, and women have to find a way to sail between the Scylla of Electra’s murderous hate and the Charybdis of total symbiosis. Both extremes lead to an unhealthy mother–daughter relationship. As always, it is only the happy medium that can progress to a healthy development.
女孩们需要在母亲的配合下从母亲那里脱离出来,这听上去很矛盾。在独立机会缺乏的情况下,女人们不得不进退维谷般的航行在斯库拉的恋父杀气和卡律布狄斯的共生 之中。两个极端导致了不健康的母女关系。同样,这也是推进健康发展的中庸之道。
The father is often idealized and, just as Electra’s father, he is missed or lamented in his absence. Often fathers are absent or too little involved with their children, who therefore have to rely on their mother. The girl attempts to direct herself to her father when he is available. If not, she must make do with her fantasies. Sometimes she has a chance to receive the love for which she yearns from her father, the love that she may not have been given by her mother. Sometimes that attempt fails. A second disappointment is then the sad result. However, even if it does succeed, her mother remains the primary object of her desire, which is at best transferred to her father.
父亲经常被理想化,就像爱列屈拉的父亲,他缺席时被怀念或被哀悼。父亲的不在场,或者太少的关注于他们的孩子,孩子们就不得不依赖于他们的母亲。当父亲 可以获得时,女孩便会试图接近她的父亲。否则,她必须设法应付她的幻想。有时候,她有机会收到她从父亲哪儿渴求的爱,这个爱,可能从未从母亲哪儿得到过。有时候这样的尝试会失败。 再一个失望是随后的可悲的结果。然而,即便成功,她的母亲依然是她的愿望完美过渡到父亲哪儿的主要客体。
Subsequently, for a healthy development it is necessary for the image of the omnipotent mother, the goddess, or the queen of childhood fantasy to be abandoned. In psychoanalytic theory this figure is known as the phallic mother, because she is simultaneously both man and woman, as it were. After all, for small children the difference between the sexes is not very clear yet. The fantasy that an individual can be both man and woman is discarded with some difficulty. Even with regard to themselves, girls and women often continue to struggle with their bisexual identity.
随后,万能的母亲、女神、或者被放弃的童年幻想中的女王的形象对于健康的发展是必需的。在理论中,这样的形象被称为阳具母亲,因为她在某种程度上同时是男人和女人。毕竟, 小孩童不是很清楚两性之间的差异。舍弃一个人既是男人又是女人的幻想是困难的。即使考虑到他们自己,女孩和女人们经常在他们的双性认同中持续的挣扎。
The Electra complex is meant not to replace the Oedipus complex but to complement it. The new discoveries around the cliffs that the woman must steer clear of in her development are, in my opinion, better suited to a model in which it is not the father but the mother who occupies centre stage.
恋父情结并不意味这要取代恋母情结,而是去完善它。在两者之间的边锋中,女性在她的发展中必须被清晰的引导, 在我看来,占据了舞台中央,更能适合典范的,是母亲而不是父亲。